Wednesday, April 23, 2008

From the Website - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more So, what happened in Pennsylvania, last night? Did the groundhog see its shadow? Rest assured that today’s Ten Post Round-Up makes no mention of the shenanigans going on in Pennsylvania, but the rest of the world is fair game:

1: South Dakota tries one more time to outlaw a woman’s right to choose…

Anti-Choicers are Closet CommunistsAlterNet

2: Iraq and Afghanistan veterans are being denied the care they need to recover from the scars of war (physically and mentally)…

New Doubts About Health Care for US War

3: Worst.President.Ever? That’s some legacy…

Bush’s disapproval rating worst of any president in 70 yearsDemocratic Underground

4: Cool: Hope for some blind folks to be able to see…

Bionic Eye ‘Blindness Cure Hope’Good News Network

5: (Groan): Colorado’s “favorite” Republican makes national headlines…

Politics: Republican Courts Hispanic VoteThePoliticalCat

6: The War on Tourism…

Coming and GoingShakesville

7: Family composition may be the blame for poor behavior in kids….

Low grades, bad behavior? Siblings may be to blame, FSU study saysSigns of the Times

8: More VA lies about how our troops are being treated/cared for…

VA Conceals Vet Suicide Figures From CBS To Downplay ‘Epidemic In Suicide’Think Progress

9: Oops! If your landlord defaults on his mortgage, you could end up on the street and then you could be in competition with your landlord for a new rental!…

Renters can’t escape housing foreclosure

10: And this is why I never go to a doctor’s appointment without my own surrogate, if I can help it…

Dental Nightmare: Woman Put Under,

271 días al final de un error…

(I like my morning cuppa with a little hypocrisy chaser)

Last 5 posts by Dizzy Dezzi

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